CPOMS Partner Spotlight

Xporter is pleased to present its partnership with CPOMS. Driven by a team of specialists with extensive experience in the Education Sector, CPOMS is currently used by over 14,500 establishments spanning the UK, Ireland, Africa, Asia, Canada, USA and wider Europe.
Gone are the days of extensive paper forms and burdensome filing cabinets and instead staff feel secure in the knowledge that the information they report is shared instantly with the relevant people immediately and securely. As a result of using CPOMS, staff are able to focus on teaching and providing support instead of administration.
Senior Leaders can build chronologies around students and produce powerful reports on vulnerable pupil groups for Case Conference Meetings, Governors, OFSTED, ESTYN and ISI at the touch of a button.
“Xporter gives CPOMS the ability to seamlessly integrate school MIS data into our application, with the data refreshed often to allow us to sync twice a day.” Says Connor Parris, Technical Support Leader at CPOMS.
“The data scopes on Groupcall’s Xporter on Demand offering ensure CPOMS customers know exactly what data is being transferred and access can be granted/ revoked at the touch of a button. Their Manage platform gives CPOMS support technicians the tools to monitor and diagnose issues fast, and allows for cases to be raised towards Groupcall’s support team instantly if necessary.”
“As the market leader in the field which we serve, the availability and ease of setup which Xporter provides allow us to onboard new schools rapidly.”
Find out more about Xporter or become a partner today!